Since 2020 I have compiled a list of documentaries I've watched that are very eye opening. They have changed the way I eat and showed me how far into the 100+ year communist planned takeover of America we are. It's all documented and their plans are even public... We are either near the end and/or God wants the church to return to him, pray, and unite against the many evil agendas at work in America and the world.
If you're going to start somewhere, I say watch Agenda 1 & 2, Seed Oils, The John Wesley Story, The William Tyndale Story, Constitution Alive & Planet Lockdown. They're all so good, you'll probably end up wanting to watch them all in time. They're really engaging and educational. The makers really did a great job with these. Now I want to make a documentary!
These have been very interesting to me and were shown to me by people I respect. I have gotten to meet and talk with 2 of the documentary makers, Curtis Bowers & James Patrick, and I was blessed to get to sing before David Barton from "Constitution Alive" spoke in California at Calvary Chapel - a church who stood against the shutdown of churches over Covid. They were billed with 2 million in fines before the fines were overturned and ruled unconstitutional! Praise the Lord!
I've wanted others to make a list of documentaries for people to study, but lo and behold, if you have a vision for something sometimes you've got to do it yourself. It is now 2:42 am and it's done for now, but I will be updating it as time goes on. Ahhh, now I go to sleep. Zzzz. Also, my new nephew was just born tonight! Can't wait to meet him!
The Atheist Delusion
By Ray Comfort of Living Waters - Ray converts athiests to at least agnostic in one conversation showing the impossibility of athiesm.
George Muller - Started Several Orphanages
Robber of the Cruel Streets: The story of George Muller

John Wesley - 1700s Evangelist
Cartoon: The Torchlighters | Episode 13 | The Journey Wesley Story
William Tyndale - Bible translator
Tyndale was executed for translating the Bible into English from the Greek & Hebrew so it could be accessible to everyone in England.
His famous quote spoken to the Catholic clergy who were against giving the Bible to the common man: "If God spare my life, ere many years, I will cause the boy that driveth the plow to know more of the scriptures than thou dost."
- Cartoon: The Torchlighters: The William Tyndale Story 2005
Gods Outlaw: The Story of William Tyndale
The Making Of The Bible
A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible 2 hours & 57 min
Fox's Book of Martyrs
Christian Martyr History: Foxe's Book of Martyrs
John Knox historical account of ersecution against Protestant Christian by the church and governments of the times.
John Knox famous quote: "Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God"
The Forbidden Book Documentary
The making of the Bible
Seed Oils
"The 100 Billion Dollar Ingredient Making Your Food Toxic"
Fat Fiction
By Dr. Hyman. The high in good fat diet that helps reverse diabetes.
The Science of Fasting
By Silvie Gilman & Thierry de Lestrade, Arte France - Via Decouvertes.
Many illnesses including mental illness have been reversed at water fasting clinics overseas through fasting for prolonged periods of time supplemented with acupuncture, detoxing and massage.
- The Science of Fasting Trailer:
- The Science of Fasting full documentary: 1 hour
Down to Earth
15 minute Short Film
The Earthing Movie
1 hour 15 min
The Business of Being Born
By Ricki Lake & Abby Epstein. Available to Rent on YouTube, Amazon:
There is a push for c-sections in hospitals. 33% of hospital births end in c-section. There are side effects that are not really talked about including potentially having to limit your family size. Doctors make more money when they perform c-sections as it is a major abdominal surgery. Many times it can be avoided and birthing centers or home births with highly trained midwives are often a better alternative to rushed hospital births.
The Business of Birth Control
By the makers of The Business of Being Born.
Available to rent on YouTube or Amazon:
“Agenda: Grinding Down America”
By Curtis Bowers - 1st place winning documentary with a $100,00 prize.
The 100+ year planned communist takeover of America through secret societies by infiltrating the church and government to push the acceptance of homosexuality to weaken the church. They have pushed the government by continually pushing new homosexual laws, which they have done. The Christian church is the stop block against communism because a true Christian obeys God over a corrupt government.
Agenda 1 Trailer:
Agenda 1 on Rumble:
The story behind Agenda:
Agenda 2 by Curtis Bowers
Constitution Alive
by Rick Green of Patriot Academy and David Barton of Wall Builders put together on The US Constituion and the Christian history of America.
The War on Children
By Robby & Landon Starbuck
Watch for Free On X (formerly twitter):
Or here:
This went to millions of views and was shared by Elon Musk.
Planet Lockdown
By James Patrick on Rumble. It had millions of views on YouTube before it was banned & removed. Also available at:
Died Suddenly
Released by Stew Peters Network - 19.9 Million Views
Candace Owens: “A Shot In The Dark”
11 episodes on vaccines and Baby vaccines available on her Patreon for $20 a month -

Silent Infertility
By James Patrick (hopefully coming soon) - Woman have miscarried their babies after getting the covid vaccine and some women have had to get hysterectomies after getting vaccinated and having continual bleeding.
Nitrogen 2000
Land being taken from Dutch farmers in the name of Climate Change. By James Patrick of Big Picture
Available soon:
Riddles In Stone Documentaries - 2 hours 54 min
Secret Mysteries of America's Beginning Volume 1: The New Atlantis Full Movie"
2 hours 45 min
Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings Volume 2: Riddles in Stone Full Movie
2 hours & 55 min
Eye of the Pheonix Volume 3: Secret of the Dollar Bill
1 hour & 32 minutes
Longer Version: Volume 3: Secrets of the Dollar Bill - 2 hours & 51 min
The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers: Volume 4
2 hours & 58 min
Washington DC has a lot of masonic occultic symbols, buildings, and the layout of the main buildings. It's like God and the devil have both been at work from the beginning of our country for leadership.
In the video description Exploration Films writes:
"Why are there no Christian monuments in Washington, D.C., Government Center? Why are the only monuments, paintings, sculputers, and street layout symbols we see are pagan gods and goddesses of the religions whom the God of the Bible hated and opposed? Why is there a Pentagram with one tiny segment missing woven into the street layouts of Washington just north of the White House? How does this tiny segment missing prove the occultic bent of our Founding Fathers and of the plan they envisioned for America?
Director: Christian J. Pinto Writer: Christian J. Pinto Stars: Joe Schimmel, Stanley Monteith, William Schnoebelen"
For more links visit my facebook page that grew to 2.5K follow organically called "Christian Conservative Action".
God bless you! This has been quite the passion project to put this list together. If you know of any more speeches or documentaries, please email them to me at