The Farmers Diet (Eat Like A Farmer) by Camille Harris

The Farmers Diet (Eat Like A Farmer) by Camille Harris


by Camille Harris

Hi I'm Camille and I didn't used to eat this healthy.

After years of independent and instagram study into health, the pieces finally came together. A great friend also got me really making changes by getting me to start making sourdough, fresh milling my own flour, fermenting foods like kefir and sauerkraut, and she gave me some farm fresh eggs! t

his is the way I have learned to eat probably 80% of the time and it feels so good. We've got to get back to eating living and raw food. Much of our food is supposed to go bad somewhat quickly, often within 2 weeks or less, if we don't can it, ferment it, salt it, freeze it, cook it or eat it. Before the industrial age extended the shelf life of our food to many months by killing or removing the elements that make it spoil faster.

One big win of eating this way is you will most likely avoid many diseases your friends may die early of. Beyond that you will be thinner which will most likely make you happier as well. And further, your body is meant to be the temple of the Holy Ghost where God wants to live. Many Christians are sick, tired, and dying early, not accomplishing the will of God for their life partially because their diet is bogging them down.



I eat most of my meals at home and cook more and more from scratch. I didn't want this but the more health knowledge I got the more I want to cook almost everything myself! 

I usually avoid fast food, eating out, and processed food unless I'm with family and friends, at someone else's house, when traveling, or if there's a holiday or birthday.. which is probably still too much. My point is I eat at home for most of my meals and I never order take-out or uber eats.  

Back when I worked a regular job I packed my lunch every day and maybe went out to eat twice for lunch in 2 years. I'm now technically a full time musician by the way but consider myself more of an unofficial Christian missionary wherever I go.

I began replacing nutrient depleted and toxic food in my kitchen within the last 3 years since 2022. It took a while for me to learn what was bad, also including most store-bought canned food, which I have not yet fully replaced, but have cut down on. 

It really makes it easier to eat healthy if there's a full time homemaker at home or if you start to like to cook before and after work. You have to really value your health or it will probably seem like too much work. 

Over time I now want to start a garden, make my own pasta and spaghetti sauce, make my beans in a crock pot and make raw milk ice cream with honey or an organic sweetener, farm fresh eggs, real vanilla! 




Raw milk is fresh from the cow, like people drank it for most of history.

Raw milk has not been "pasteurized" meaning heated to the point of killing the good and potentially bad bacteria which helps digestion. Pasteurization prolongs the shelf life of milk but removes essential nutrients. Milk companies than add lower quality nurtrients and vitamins back in.

Bad bacteria can come from a farm that is not properly feeding or keeping their cows healthy. 

Pasteurized milk has to be recalled at times because of pathogens or bird flu, so it's not like store bought milk is safe and raw milk is the big risk. The key is to know the farm you are buying it from. 

Raw milk has been demonized when you have more chance of getting sick from store bought lettuce than raw milk. 

Several states have legalized raw milk and you can buy it at the grocery store like in Arizona.

You can find raw milk on farm near you at



It's ideal if you can find a farm to buy your eggs from a local farm that raises them on space to roam and eat grass, bugs & insects. 



Raw and Unfiltered honey is where it's at. If it's local honey that's even better as it's pollinated by the bees from local plants for allergies. 



Organic Grade A Maple Syrup is the way to go. 

No more corn syrup sugar filled "syrup". 

One you make the switch you will never want to go back! You can also get naturally flavored maple syrups that taste so good like blueberry, raspberry or strawberry and add them to your coffee. 



I have begun switching my spices over to organic and now grow some fresh herbs.

Many store-bought spices have fillers like flour, corn, starch, salts and saw dust. They also contain micro plastics in them especially if they are in a plastic container. 



FRESH MILLED FLOUR: Fresh milled flour has 40 of the 44 essential nutrients for your body. There's nothing like it in the stores. Fresh milled flour goes bad within 2 weeks and store-bought goes bad in about 6-8 months. If something takes a long time to go


PASTA: I buy organic pasta and plan to soon make my own from scratch with fresh milled flour! Store bought flour was sprayed with pesticides and has been majorly stripped of natural nutrients. 




Grass-fed and grass-finished from regenerative farms is ideal.

Many farms start grass-fed and do a grain-finish to fatten the animals up at the end to have more meat to sell. The grain or corn is usually healthy for us.

My brother went strictly carnivore for a while and it helped him get over Lyme Disease so he taught me about this. 

Organ meats and organ meat supplements: Heart & Soil Supplements by Paul Saladino seem to be a good source of organ meat in capsule "vitamin" form. 

Many people are eating organ meats or taking organ meat supplements and they think it does they well. I haven't gotten any organ supplements yet but I want them! 

I limit or avoid Biblically unclean meats like pork, crustaceans like shrimp, crab and lobster. Those meats in particular are known to be bottom feeders and basically the garbage cans of nature that clean things up. Some people argue that well raised pork is good for you but I tend to think it's not the best. I eat it sometimes when I'm out but I rarely bring it into my home. Beef bacon from Winco is a nice alternative though I can't find it organic in stores. I heard beef salami is quite the treat as well. 

Most of the other unclean meats we don't eat in America anyway. 


CLEAN ANIMALS (Biblical): 


You can't wash off the pesticides that are in your produce from the plants and soil being sprayed with pesticides. They are in your fruit and vegetables. I'm not sure how they can get rid of the fruits and vegetables. 

The ideal would to learn how to do organic farming and canning in your own backyard, but if you can't do that, try going to a local farmers market and talk to the sellers. Beyond that, buy organic from the grocery store. Organic frozen vegetables are a great way to get better produce too. Freezing it can help lock in more of the health value. 


9. OILS: 

- Good Oils: First Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil, MTC Oil, Grass-fed Ghee, Grass-fed Butter

- Bad Oils: Seed oils like - vegetable oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, grapeseed oil, sunflower oil, rice bran oil, almond oil.  

I replaced them with first cold pressed extra virgin olive oil or regular extra virgin olive oil which have not been heated versus regular olive oil which has. When you heat food it usually kills some of the nutrients.



Fermented Foods: Kefir, Kombucha, Sauerkraut, Pickles, Kimchi, miso, tempeh, sourdough bread and some cheeses

Fermented foods are so good for your health and 

Kefir is fermented milk made with kefir grains that look somewhat like cottage cheese. 

Pickled Foods: Pickles, onions, beets, jalepenos, eggs.

You can pickle uncracked eggs and they can last from 6 months to 2 years! 



Fresh sourdough bread is made with only 3 ingredients: Flour, Salt & Water.

When you make it at home you can choose the quality of those 3 ingredients as well. The highest nutrients would come from making it with fresh milled flour, which requires different recipes than regular bleached, nutrient-stripped flours. You can make it with nutrient salt like redmond real salt or celtic sea salt or well sourced Himalayan pink salt. You can also choose the quality of water you use. 

Fresh milled sourdough has so many health benefits above store-bought and homemade bread tastes so good! There's nothing like fresh bread out of your oven! 



Once I realized that most nuts have usually been soaked in seed oils so the salt will stick, you will start to notice it. Raw nuts are fresh and taste great! 



Well water often has minerals and doesn't have micro-plastics from water bottles.

Alkaline ionized water like from a Kangen Machine by Enagic has been known to help a lot of people with their health. I have been drinking Kangen Water for over 10 years. My Dad's migraines went away within 2 weeks of switching to it so he started selling them. I technically do too, but that's not why I'm telling you about them. 

Reverse Osmosis water is clean but it has been stripped of minerals which you would need to add back into your diet through companies like "Trace" for trace minerals or Youngevity with their "90 For Life" for the 90 essential vitamins and minerals your body needs. 

Alkaline ionized water from a well would be ideal! 

I just started drinking a gallon a day again today! 



Coffee and tea can both be full of high and dangerous levels of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, synthetic fertilizers, and harmful chemicals.

I've heard that coffee is one of the most pesticided things we consume. 

Organic tea is one of the easiest ways to get in a lot of nutrients. Many leaves, berries, flowers, and herbs can be brewed to turn into a tea as well.

Always opt for organic coffees and teas. A wise grandpa said something similar to "the things you eat the most should be the highest quality." For most of us coffee is the most regular thing we consume. 



Store-bought canned food is not great for you. It was sad for me to learn that. Organic is better but canning it yourself or buying it from a great farmer is the best. It would be ideal if you had a cellar (a colder often cemented room that's usually more underground that most old houses had.) I wish I had a cellar. Learning canning will be one of my next focuses. 



A lot of farmers have been known to skip lunch because they are out in the field working. A big lunch can often slow you down and make you feel sluggish. 

I fast one day a week on Thursdays and I've found that it really helps regulate my appetite. Sometimes I'll all of a sudden just get munchy or start to each because I'm bored or feeling aimless... and then Thursday comes and it's like it puts food back in it's rightful place. Often the next day after the fast I still won't eat until around noon on accident outside of a cup of coffee. 

You're going to find that you don't need food every meal or every day as much as you think you do. Your body most likely has more than enough reserves to skip some meals. 

A friend showed me with his dogs that when they were sick he would fast them and it is known to extend their life. I tend to believe it's the same for humans. Food vacations are good for the body, mind, and spirit. 

I am a Christian and Jesus talked about fasting and I believe it's a much neglected part of Christianity today. Taking time away from endless meals and teaching our body to quiet down and that it's not going to be in control is a big key to building spiritual and physical discipline. My mom used to fast growing up to focus on prayer and hear from God and she noticed that her mind would clear up, she could focus better, and she could hear better from God. 

I say start by fating a meal or doing a "Daniel's Fast" which is usually just fruits and vegetables and nuts for a day or a 3 days or a week. You're going to find it's easier that you thought the more you do it. 

Other people do intermittent fasting for heath and that's very helpful for weight control too. There are many books on it you can study but the basis of it is to fast for a certain amount of hours a day and then to eat your desired amount of calories within your eating window. 

I have found for weight loss that skipping dinners or stopping eating around 4 or 5 is a sure way to lose some weight. I think I lost 5 pounds in 10 days doing that. I wasn't even trying to lose weight but decided on that fast to hear from God. The Lord answered on the 10th day and I accidentally found a way to lose 1/2 a pound a day! 



Well there you go. That's my most recent 3 years of health study condensed. It's a lot to switch but it's worth it! It can seem expensive but after you cut out all the poison and fake food (the highly processed, boxed, dead food in the center of the grocery store) it's not as big of an expensive switch as it seems.

The big motivation for me though is that I want to live a long time on the earth. My friend told me I need 100 lifetimes to do all that I've got planned so I don't have a year to waste!   


To your health, happiness & holiness! 








Here's charts from @TheFoodBabe (a leader in pushing Big Food companies to elimate harmful ingredients in the same product for us in America that they already make "healthier" for other countries) & "@IAMJASYRA" on Instagram. 


It's time to start reading the labels and this will help you! 

I've been wanting lists like this for a long time!





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